Hey, some actual pictures of some assembled progress and my makeshift work area, otherwise known as my buddy Scott came to visit over the weekend and made me put some stuff together (which meant mainly he took my wrenches and started wiring stuff himself - which is cool as he is much better with electrics than I will ever be).

I tried to do some test runs this past weekend but between the bad weather (IT SNOWED IN ALABAMA!) and the CC/BEC being a bad unit I was only able to run it on a single pack so I stuck a NIMH pack in it and played for a few minutes. Which was long enough to realize that I m

ay never own another car without having a gyro in it again unless racing rules don't permit it. It makes driving a car a million times easier (and makes cool controllable drifts) and I didn't even really dial it in yet. Anyway I had to do a bit of cajoling to get the LHS to take back the CC/BEC as they don't typically take electric stuff back but they did (big thanks to Oak Mountain Hobbies in Pelham, Al.) and hopefully I will have a new CC/BEC by the end of the week and I can get some test runs done soon.
I did finally pick up some batteries this weekend and I think they will do the deed. I got 2 Thunder Power 2s 5000mah 40c (80c burst) Pro Race Packs. So with a possible 400 amp discharge it will probably be more power than I can even use so I think they will be just super.

So I have a few more things to get together and lots to straighten out but hopefully I will be ready in time to go to the fist ISC event in Encino at the velodrome in April...
ISC Race InfoI would really like to go and if finances work out I will be, hope to see you there!